The Valdez Native Tribe (VNT) held a dedication ceremony on Friday, April 7th, 2023, to honor Anequin, an accomplished Yup’ik hunter and member of the United States Navy from St. Michael, Alaska. The ceremony marked the opening of the Anequin House, a men’s shelter that will provide a safe haven for those in need.
The ceremony was led by Samantha Dziatkiewicz, VNT Director of Victim Services, and Anna Bateman, VNT Tribal Administrator, who delivered acknowledgments and introductions, respectively. Agnes Hansen, a VNT member, led the opening prayer.
The ceremony was attended by several dignitaries, including the Mayor of Valdez, Sharon Scheidt, the Valdez Police Chief, Bart Hinkle, and the Board Treasurer of the Valdez Native Tribe, Sophia Longoria, VNT Board Members John Boone, and Sheila Jordan, along with Keristyn Weber, Dr. Tanya Bailey, Hazel Nevak, Frieda Wiley, Patricia Relay, Rowena Polamor, Olivia Foster, and many others.
A ribbon cutting, new unveiling, and plaque dedication were held during the ceremony to honor Anequin’s memory and commemorate his selflessness and bravery. Dr. Seidenburg, was present to accept the tribute.

The plaque on the shelter reads:
“This shelter is a tribute to Anequin, an accomplished Yup’ik hunter and member of the United States Navy from St. Michael, Alaska. Anequin played a critical role as a crew member aboard the Jeannette Expedition 1879-1881, officially the U.S. Arctic Expedition, by sharing his extensive knowledge of Alaska and Indigenous expertise. When the expedition faced tragedy, Anequin’s remarkable courage and resilience, grounded in the Yupik way of Yuungnaqpiallerput (The Way We Genuinely Live), enabled him to survive and help twelve other crew members. Anequin’s generosity of spirit and unwavering determination to uphold his values made a significant impact on those around him.

We dedicate this shelter to honor Anequin’s memory and to commemorate his selflessness and bravery. Let us always remember that generosity of spirit is the greatest gift, as exemplified by Anequin’s life and the purpose of this shelter.”
If you would like to learn more about the Valdez Native Tribe’s Victim Services, please click the button below:
Learn More About Victim Services
Copyright information: Photos, website, signs, and plaque created by Seed Media. Click here to visit Seed Media’s website.