Healing Journeys: Bill’s Story

Chief Bill Smith, a Vietnam War veteran, VNT Board Member, and NIHB Chairperson/Alaska Area Representative shares his story of personal trauma so that others may begin their “Healing Journey” as well.

This Veterans Day we pay tribute to all American Veterans who in some way are all leaders. Some lead by their words and others lead by example. Chief Bill Smith, retired Army Sergeant, leads by both, especially when change is needed. During these uncertain times of the Pandemic, Chief Bill has sat on multiple boards, including Vice President of the Valdez Native Tribe, serving as an Advocate for his fellow military brothers and sisters. As a respected voice for positive change in health care for Alaska Natives, and Veteran’s Chief Bill has lead the way. In this video Chief Bill talks about the changes in his own life and how his decisions determined the outcome. On this Veterans day please join me and the VNT in thanking Veterans for their service and leadership. Because of them, including Chief Bill Smith, we live in the land of the free.

-Anna Bateman, Valdez Native Tribe Tribal Administrator